gojirako Bought phoenix legacy at https://phoenix-satano.mysellix.io/ but the key is not working at all. Please help
gojirako asket I ordered Apex Legacy 30 days from https://phoenix-satano.mysellix.io/ The key that was given to me does not work at all. The link for the “loader” is not even operational. I tried putting the given key to this website but it does not work as well. I can provide you the order ID if needed. But hoping to get it refunded as there are a lot of reported bans from using legacy.
solonobre gojirako Please upload screenshots demonstrating the problem with the loader download link and other errors
gojirako solonobre https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nq6cNwfRUcUSUTA4-yNsuUfVeebO3F_E?usp=drive_link screenshots in the google drive