nicknick2020 Hello guys where do we put this code-line that people are sharing for settings? I can't find anything on my application
Porno_Star jM0/QL43H6oGgm28zEOQL79DHeb4/soXCWsHpmqssGAZn14taDCIEF8= В ближнем бою просто разрывает лица)
zinofite JustPruss i love this setting!! it makes you seem like a legit player. never been spectated in normal games and in ranked it helped me get from bronze 4 to silver 1 in just 3 days. also, it makes the game more fun for me since there are still good players who can keep up with you even with the hack and not roll over everyone. this became my fav hack provider because of this setting.
lisenok jM0/QL43H6oGgm28zEOQL79DHebE+MscCFs//We37DQri5Cn9nqgWA== Довольно сильный аим(можно положить фул сквад в соло спокойно.)
zaviier legit with semi-rage, already 2 week use this settings and never got banned. jM0 / QL43H6oGgm28zEOQL79DHebS8M4QD1Em / We7 + Dh4OcrWIlfMljRQoQU3NN8 =
overpowerbro zaviier need this, your code maybe broken, cause i input this id setting, and cant find it.
lisenok Hxrus в каком плане? он адаптирован под мои настройки. не нравиться сделай свой и покажи🙂 в чем он плох?
lisenok Hxrus криво? т.е рядом? смуч большой. а на ноги наводит т.к баг аима,как и наводка на q октейна